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Envoyé le 17 juillet 2015 à 13:51:28
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ISP :College Station Suddenlink Communications

Objet : [] Facture du 31/07/2015

>Quelle Energie, votre conseiller en économie d'énergie.
Vous trouverez ci-joint la facture du 31 Juin 2015 d'un montant de 39,00 € HT, soit 46,80 € TTC , pour les projets Quelle Energie.
Conformément aux conditions de paiement de notre contrat de partenariat, le paiement de cette facture s'effectuera par prélèvement vers le 25 Juillet 2015.
Nous vous remercions de votre confiance et restons à votre disposition pour toute question,
Le Service Partenaires
01 73 00 67 80

Envoyé le 17 janvier 2013 à 14:46:19
De :
Réponse à :
IP : (
ISP : Yahoo! Taiwan Taipei


Plot c4 sagam expless way
Benin Repulic Cotonou
West Africa.
Direct Line +229-9900-7423


I got your contact over the internet as a trustworthy and reliable person. Please pay attention and understand my reason of contacting you today through this email. My name is Dr SHERIF AKANDE.I am the personal accountant to a foreigner, Late Mr. Mutassim Billah Gaddafi, late son of Former Libya Leader (Muammaral-Gaddafi),and the tiny oil-rich country in Africa.

I will save your time by not amplifying his extended royal family history, which has already been disseminated by the international media during this controversial dispute that erupted between (Muammar al-Gaddafi) and President of United States, the President of United States (Barrack Obama).

As you may know from the international media, the United States President Barack Obama gave sanction to Muammar al-Gaddafi due to his brutal crackdown against the demonstrators who opposed his leadership. The sanctions are given to weaken the Libyan government until the government which is initially strong becomes hobbled. Sanctions which given by Barack Obama to Gaddafi by seizing assets of Gaddafi in the United States and blocking properties owned by Gaddafi and his four sons in the U.S. You can read more on the website:

I desperately need your assistance to secure and move huge sums of money left behind by my late client to the tune of (US$280 MILLION) TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS. I will pay you 30% of the total sum for your co-operation in this matter. I will give you more details, on your positive response; also include in your reply and acknowledgement of this mail your tell number so that we can discuss in details. My private email contact is

Please if you know you can assist in claiming and investing it in real estate/property to guarantee the future survival of my family, contact me fast so that I'll give you contact information of my confidant, (The Diplomat) and the security company in Accra Ghana. For your assistance I will compensate you with 30% of the total sum and another 5% shall be given to you to defray any expenses that you made on transfer process.

Please remember to send your reply to my new email address, Email:


Envoyé le 17 janvier 2013 à 14:16:19
De :
Réponse à :
IP : (
ISP : Yahoo! Europe, Dublin, IE

Objet : urgent reply

Good day friend,

With due respect before I start, I must firstly apologize for this unsolicited proposal to you. I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to starting a relationship, but as time goes on you will realize the need for my action. Do not consider this hoax, as we have never had past correspondence nor acquaintance, rather treat as urgent as sounds for it is for our mutual benefits.

I am Mr Clifford Stanley and I have a business proposal in the tune of US$10,200,000.00 (Ten Million Two Hundred Thousand US Dollars) (either your bank account or payment card Electronic ATM card)

and after the successful conclusion, we shall share in ratio of 35% for you and 65% for me. Should it interest you, please indicate by contacting me immediately so we can commence all arrangements to enable further directives on next approach towards concluding the project.
Please treat this business with utmost confidentiality, while I await your prompt response. Also endeavour to make this a secret even if you do not intend going into this deal for I am still in service.
Kind Regards,
Clifford Stanley

Contact Telephone Number.....................................
Contact fax number...............................................
Resdential Address...............................................
Postal Address......................................................
Marital Status.......................................................
YOUR COUNTRY.......................................................
YOUR AGE............................................................
YOUR NAME.....................................................

Envoyé le 16 janvier 2013 à 19:12:39
De :
IP :
ISP : Ireland Yahoo! Europe

Good day

I hope that this message might not come to you as a surprise. I am Mr. Joel Adamu, a senior staff with the group bank of africa. I discovered a left fund in the account belongs to one of our foreign customer by name, Mr. Alan Williams who died along with his entire family in a plane crash in the year 20 Oct 2005. You can view the link below for more details:

I need your assistance in transferring the sum of ($3.7M) three million , seven hundred thousand united dollars into your account within
8 to 10 banking days.

I agree that 50% of this money will be for you in respect of the provision of a foreign account, and 50% would be for me. Thereafter, I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentage indicated. Reply me if you are interested and I will furnished you with details information as soon as I get your response ,If You Accept This Offer To Work With Me, And You Find This Proposal Suitable for you, do Furnish Me With The Following Information.

Your Full Name...................
Your Country................
Your Private Telephone...............
Your Age and Sex....................
Your Occupation...............

Best Regards
Mr Joel Adamu.

Envoyé le 16 janvier 2013 19:12:37
De :
IP : (
ISP : Ireland Yahoo! Europe

Objet : My Beloved!

My Beloved!

Peace be Upon You

I am glad to know you, but God knows you better and he knows why he has directed me to you at this point in time so do not be afraid.

I am Mrs Nicole Marois, and i have been suffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just short time to leave. I am from (Paris) France but based in Africa Burkina Faso since eight years ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation.

Now that i am about to end the race like this, without any family members and no child. I have $3 Million US DOLLARS in Africa Development Bank (ADB) Burkina Faso which i instructed the bank to give (St Andrews Missionary Home) in Burkina Faso. But my mind is not at rest because i am writing this letter now through the help of my computer beside my sick bed.

I also have (£4.5 Million) at United Global Security Company (UGSC) here in Burkina Faso and i instructed the Company to release the box to the first foreigner that will apply to the Company after i have gone that they should release the boxes to him/her, but you will assure me that you will take 50% of the money and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to rest with GOD.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Company in Burkina Faso if you can do this return back to me immediately before death cross my way so that i will send to you a copy of my international passport which you will show to the Company to make the Company know that i instructed you to contact them for the release of my fund to you, so that you can fulfil my dream of building an orphanage home in your country. After you have contacted the Company.

Please respond.

Yours Daying Sisther Mrs Nicole Marois

Envoyé le 14 janvier 2013 à 12:11:28
De :
IP :
ISP : Singapore Yahoo! Sg

Objet Dear,


I am Barrister Mrs. Sandrine Nzi (Esq), a solicitor at law.personal attorney to Mr.Roman., who was a contractor with European Development company.Herein after shall be referred to my client, On the 11th of september 2001 my client was involved in world trade center bombing.unfortunately lost his life three month after the incident due to injuries he substained in the bombing, since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my client extended relatives but this has proved unsuccessful.

After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name to locate any of his relatives hence I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at US $ 10.5 million left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared.
NAME: ..................
DATE OF BIRTH: ..............
OCCUPATION: .................
PHONE: ...........
COUNTRY: ....................
E-MAIL ADDRESS: ..............
I am waiting for your information,
Your's Sincerely
Barrister Sandrine Nzi (Esq),
Email; TO

Envoyé le 8 janvier 2013 à 09:20:29 
De :
IP : (
ISP : Anteldata Antel Uruguay


Bonjour Mr / Mme ,

Je suis Mr RORO ALEX , et je voudrais bénéficier de vos
prestations pour mon mariage .

En effet , nous avons des groupes locaux , mais vu qu'il y aura
aussi des invités Européens , nous vous faisons appel , dans le but de varier
les cultures .

En effet , je voudrais que vous vous chargiez d'animer la réception ,je vous
communique alors les informations concernant les cérémonies .

Lieu : résidence
Date : du 15/02/2013 au 17/02/2013
Heure : 20h :00h ( vous aurez environ 2 h 00 de prestation / Jour )
Nombres d'invités : 250 personnes environ
Pays : Guinée
Ville : Conakry

Concernant votre déplacement et le règlement du cachet, voici nos conditions :

  • Nous assurons à 100% l’hébergement et la restauration
  • Nous assurons à 100 % les frais de transport ( Billet d’avion )
  • Vous serez accueillis a l’aéroport , et accompagnés a l’hôtel .
  • Les 50% du cachet vous sont réglé a l'avance et le reste sur place ( En

euros ) après ou avant votre 1ere prestation .

Alors vous vous renseignerez auprès d'une agence de voyage et vous m'en
tiendrez compte .

Ainsi, vous serez accueillis depuis l'aéroport et accompagnés à l'hôtel et
dans tous vos déplacements ultérieurs. Avidement, tous vos déplacements seront
à notre charge, dans le cadre bien sur des manifestations (un service
touristique est prévu pour vos instants libres).

Veuillez me faire parvenir une proposition tarifaire pour vos
prestations , ainsi qu'un devis

Vous aurez 2h00mn de prestation / jour .

Pour plus d'information vous êtes prier de m 'écrire ou m'appeler de
préférence sur mon roaming ( 00225 56 36 31 07 )

Cordialement ,

Veuillez me joindre dès réception de ce mail pour plus amples information

Mr RORO ALEX +225 56 36 31 07